Zaželi za bolji Ervenik

UP. u sklopu poziva „Zaželi – Program zapošljavanja žena – faza III

Solutions for a good business resilience

Business analytics
Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.
Instant solutions
Keeping your eye on the ball while a deep dive on the start-up delivers cross-platform integration.
Always succeed
Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on the bottom line.
Data management
Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
Share knowledge
Quickly drive clicks-and-mortar catalysts for change before vertical architecture databases.

Navigating business challenges together

From evolving customer expectations and emerging technologies to more nimble companies entering industries, businesses today are more at risk for disruption than ever before.

We can help you navigate what’s next

You don’t have to do it alone, we’ll work with you as an extension of your team to ensure you can improve productivity, scale your organization, stay ahead of the competition, and more.

Successfully navigating these complex business challenges means being prepared to dive deep into your business and market to gain clarity on issues and opportunities.

Then, you can establish a compelling and inspiring vision, develop world–class capabilities, build a culture of agility, and deliver value in a rapid, agile fashion.

Anne Brown
CEO & Founder

Completely synergize scalable e-commerce rather than high standards in e-services.

Judith Stark
Corporate Management

Energistically myocardinate clicks-and-mortar testing procedures next-generation products.

Jody Frost
Risk Management

Progressively plagiarize resource-leveling e-commerce through resource-leveling core competencies.

Leon Nelson
Business Processes

Compellingly embrace empowered e-business after user friendly intellectual capital.



Our Operational Excellence practice enables organizations to address these challenges by architecting and delivering world-class business capabilities while acting as a key pillar in any successful business transformation.
Business Strategy
We’ll help you understand your business and customer insights while developing a compelling vision, strategy and overall blueprint and design for driving competitive advantage with your competition.
People and Change
Whether your company is undergoing a significant transformation or you need to strengthen your culture, we’ll help your leaders equip and empower your people organization and culture to thrive.
Enterprise Management
From portfolio management to project delivery, we will work with you to deliver strategies and initiatives in an agile, rapid and value-driven manner, up to modern standards.


Optimize the use of assets and resources augmented by revenue growth to deliver strong financial results and competitive advantage.

Corporate Agility

Adapt rapidly to market opportunities and threats in a cost-effective and productive manner, for example, processes enabled via flexible technology.

Case studies


Enhance visibility of processes and performance through metrics, SLAs, and escalation that allows future issues to be anticipated and corrected proactively.


Expand and grow operations, efficiently without adding resources, headcount, or cost. Deliver predictable, repeatable and consistent operational performance.

Ready to
get started?

Get in touch with our representatives and start your journey on expanding your company and making your business better, more agile and profitable.

    Završna konferencija projekta “Zaželi za bolji Ervenik”, UP.
    Završna konferencija projekta “Zaželi za bolji Ervenik”, UP.
    Dana 27.03.2023. sa početkom u 13.00 h u Mokrom Polju održana je završna konferencija projekta „Zaželi za bolji Ervenik“, koji je provodila općina Ervenik. Projekt se provodio u periodu od 28.07.2022. do 28.03.2023. godine a cjelokupni iznos od 692.160,00 kn financirala je Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda u okviru Operativnog programa Učinkoviti ljudski potencijali 2014.- 2020.
    Završni sastanak
    Završni sastanak
    Dana 28.02.2023. godine 14 žena zaposlenih na projektu "Zaželi za bolji Ervenik", UP. završilo je sa radom. Šest mjeseci žene su vodile brigu o 91 krajnjem korisniku uz isporuku higijenskih paketa. Vrijednost projekta je 692.160,00 kn i u cijelosti je financiran sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog socijalnog fonda.
    Održan VI. koordinacijski sastanak
    Održan VI. koordinacijski sastanak
    Dana 07.02.2023. godine u prostorijama Općine Ervenik održan je šesti koordinacijski sastanak s ženama zaposlenima na projektu “Zaželi za bolji Ervenik”.
    Održan V. koordinacijski sastanak
    Održan V. koordinacijski sastanak
    Dana 12.01.2023. godine u prostorijama Općine Ervenik održan je peti koordinacijski sastanak s ženama zaposlenima na projektu “Zaželi za bolji Ervenik”.
    Održan IV. koordinacijski sastanak
    Održan IV. koordinacijski sastanak
    Dana 14.12.2022. godine u prostorijama Općine Ervenik održan je četvrti koordinacijski sastanak s ženama zaposlenima na projektu “Zaželi za bolji Ervenik”.
    Održan III. koordinacijski sastanak
    Održan III. koordinacijski sastanak
    Dana 08.11.2022. godine u prostorijama Općine Ervenik održan je treći koordinacijski sastanak s ženama zaposlenima na projektu “Zaželi za bolji Ervenik”.
    Održan II. koordinacijski sastanak
    Održan II. koordinacijski sastanak
    Dana 11.10.2022. godine u prostorijama Općine Ervenik održan je drugi koordinacijski sastanak s ženama zaposlenima na projektu "Zaželi za bolji Ervenik".
    Prezentacija projekta „Zaželi za bolji Ervenik“
    Prezentacija projekta „Zaželi za bolji Ervenik“
    Dana 28.09.2022. godine održana je početna prezentacija projekta „Zaželi za bolji Ervenik“, koji provodi Općina Ervenik. Prezentaciji su prisustvovali predstavnici partnera i udruga civilnog društva koje djeluju na našem području.
    Održan I. koordinacijski sastanak
    Održan I. koordinacijski sastanak
    Dana 09.09.2022. godine u prostorijama Općine Ervenik održan je prvi koordinacijski sastanak, na kojem su zaposlene žene upoznate sa svojim pravima i obvezama.

    We love our clients

    A tremendous help

    Ad Astra brings tremendous value to my company. We have generated more leads in the last 45 days than in the last 2 years.
    Jason Williams
    Williams & Son LLC

    Greatly impressed

    We have worked together on projects and I was always greatly impressed with their innovative approach to any project, any situation.
    Brenda McIntyre
    Majestic Vista LLC